Photosynth: Software that Virtually Re-Creates Real Worlds… and Saves Lives? Blaise Aguera y Arcas, an architect at Microsoft Live Labs, architect of Seadragon, and the co-creator of Photosynth, talks about a piece of software capable of assembling static photos into a synergy of zoomable, navigatable spaces. Not sure what that means? In short, I was absolutely amazed when I first saw this demo over a month ago. I just watched it again and still cannot believe the new technology being introduced here. Here are 2 jaw dropping examples from the must-see video.

1. Seadragon

    300 mega pixel technology allows for an entire book to be turned into an object the size of an icon but still allow full zooming in while keeping the text crystal clear.

2. Photosynth

    Uses many public Flickr images of Notre Dame Cathedral and spatially relates them to re-build an accurate re-creation of the famous Cathedral.

Blaise talks about Photosynth enhancing the user experience in social media. Personally, I can see this technology being adapted as sophisticated facial or even geographical recognition technology to help save lives in the future.

If you have not seen the Photosynth video at, you must check it out.

Words simply cannot do this demo justice. Whether you are a technology buff or not, this is a must see video. Excuse me while I undrop my jaw… again!

Ian Lee
Work from home dad, marketer and photographer. Fallen in love with basketball all over again as I coach my daughter's team.

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