This is my journal documenting the recovery from a ruptured Achilles tendon. It serves as my own reminder of the physical recovery and an aid in my emotional ups and downs from this devastating injury. I also hope all of my first-hand experiences can help others who are going through the same injury. Here goes.

Achilles Tendon Rupture Recovery Time Without Surgery
There was a time when sports played a major part in my life. I remember the summers after Grades 6 and 7 were mostly spent on the tennis court. I fell in love with tennis and rode my bike 2 kilometers to the courts and played tennis for 6+ hours each day. In high school, sports continued to be important. Being in a public school with a trimester system, I took part in all 3 seasons of high school sports. During that span, I got to play on the school’s rugby, basketball, tennis, badminton and even volleyball team. Basketball, among all of these was my favourite. There were a few years in high school where year round, every recess and lunch break was spent hooping in the gym. In fact, that carried over into after school hours as well. When the school was officially closed, a lovely caretaker by the name of Cathy would leave the gym lights on (and not kick us out) so a few of us could continue to play into the night. Funny how I can remember the caretake’s name but not all of the teachers who taught me. Even into my studies at the University of British Columbia, I played some intramural basketball. Unfortunately, after my time as a student, I stopped playing team sports all together.
I Love Basketball Again
Since my daughter started playing youth basketball 3 years ago, I have completely fallen in love with the sport all over again and love to hoop with her. Basketball is once again an important thing in my life and I became my daughter’s coach. I am lucky to be coaching in the largest organized youth basketball program in Canada called the Tri-Cities Youth Basketball Association (TCYBA). This league has allowed me to learn from many senior coaches and even master coaches like Allison McNeill, former head coach of the Canadian Women’s Olympic team. Even now, coach Allison still answers all of my emails and continue to provide great advice. What a fantastic and gracious person she is; much respect!
After the players leave the gym, the coach gets to play!

Practice at game speed!
It’s been 3 years since I have started coaching and throughout this time, team practices were opportunities for me to run and enjoy basketball again. My coaching style is to teach youth players to firstly, really think about the game of basketball, be explosive and play what I call Run Ball. Not just at the youth level, I believe that if players at any level run faster and run longer than the other team, they will always see a good outcome. Actually, this is how I have approached every sport that I have played. Work hard, practice harder and results will show themselves. Practice at game speed!

Full Achilles Rupture – Felt Like I Got Kicked
So on a typical Sunday practice, my daughter and I were at the local gym scrimmaging with other players and coaches. In basketball, my first-step explosiveness has always been one of things that brought me success on the court. That Sunday, with the ball at hand, I made a quick stutter step and pushed off to get around my check just like I have done a thousands of times before. I distinctly remember that my check was my daughter at that moment. Something gave way and I just fell forward straight to the ground. There was a wrenching pain in my right ankle, just above the heel area. I felt something pop on my foot and thought someone had hit me extremely hard with a basketball as there were other scrimmages going on at the same time. In fact, I clearly remember looking behind to see who hit me and then not seeing anyone around. That’s when I knew something was wrong. After speaking with three friends who also ruptured their Achilles, this was a common theme. We all thought someone hit our heel when really, there was no one around at the time. In fact, when Kobe Bryant tore his Achilles in a game, he described it as “it felt like I got kicked”. The doctor in the ER also confirmed that many athletes say this same thing after an Achilles injury.
Right after the tear, aside from the excruciating pain, there was also an unfamiliar feeling. I tried to stand up but just could not hold myself upright. I can feel myself falling forward and had to turn and point my injured foot outwards just so I can stand up straight. Managed to hobble to the sideline and then tried to stand up again and sure enough, I kept falling forward. It was a very odd, memorable and scary feeling. I was still able to hobble to a friend’s car in the parking lot. They took me home and I had hoped it was just a bad sprain because about 10-15 minutes after the injury, the pain subsided quite a bit. But because after taking off my shoes, I really did not have have good control of my right foot, my wife reminded me that I should go to emergency. Yes, it took my wife to get me to the ER. I was just hoping a hot bath would fix whatever was wrong!
ER doctor diagnosed it was a full Achilles rupture in my right ankle. They performed the Thompson’s Test where they squeezed an area of my calf muscle. My foot should have moved but nope, there was no movement at all. Plus, the ER doctor asked me to touch where the tendon had fully snapped. There was now a ridge in the back just above my heel! Kind of grossed out still thinking about it.
So this post will be in draft mode until at least Week 7 when I return to see the orthopedic surgeon. I will then continue to document my recovery from a full Achilles tendon rupture in hopes that it will help others who may be going through this same debilitating injury. I am learning that there is not only physical stress and injury, but there is an emotional side of things that needs to be addressed during recovery. For me personally, thank goodness my wife and daughter are always here to help me. Otherwise, I am not sure how I could have gotten by the last few weeks by myself.
Day 1 – Day of the Injury
Having so much fun hooping with my daughter, other players and coaches. Gym surface was re-done so it was super sticky. Got me some new Adidas basketball shoes and these had pretty good grip. There must have been so much grip that I exerted what my right Achilles could handle and it fully ruptured. There was nothing out of the ordinary as far as intensity goes. For the last 3 years of team practices, I have always gone hard; that is how I played and coached. Went to the ER, doctor splintered my foot and wrapped it in bandages with an order that no weight be placed on the injured foot. The splinter was kind of cool. It was a thick cloth-like material long enough to cover just up my calf. The doctor wet the splinter, held it in place and adjusted my foot so it pointed down past neutral and waited for the splinter to quickly harden. An elastic bandage was used to wrap the splinter in place.

Interestingly, today I learned that if you sit with your feet dangling and not touching the ground, your normal foot position is actually slightly pointed downwards and not at or even close to 90 degrees! After 5 hours of being in the ER, I got to go home. Was surprised to learn that crutches from the hospital costs $24. Being in Canada, I thought this would be covered as I don’t remember paying for crutches in high school when I came out of the ER for an ankle sprain. Got that in an exhibition basketball game when I stepped on Paul Kariya’s foot and made a 2nd degree tear in my ankle! Mind you, that was many years ago :)! Thinking about it now, I think $24 is already partially covered as this is fairly cheap as far as medical equipment goes.
Day 2 – Not Much Pain
I did not feel much pain, just did not have good control of my injured foot. Most of the pain I felt was from the bandage bunching up and cutting off blood circulation. Once the bandage was re-adjusted, the pain quickly went away. It was very difficult to get around as I was not allowed to put any weight on my injured foot down. Things I took for granted were now extremely difficult to do. Things like getting a glass of water, going to the washroom, putting clothes on are just a few of these things. In the weeks to come, I learn that many things have become difficult tasks now that I have a ruptured Achilles tendon.
Day 3 – First Appointment with Orthopedic Surgeon
Still not much pain in the injured area, just a lot of a fullness feeling and pressure. I remember thinking to myself that this was not so bad. Little did I know, things will change.
Was very lucky to get an appointment on Day 3 to see Dr. Farhad Moola, the orthopedic surgeon at the Fraser Orthopaedic Institute. Dr. Moola is a member of the Clinical Faculty in the Department of Orthopedics at the University of British Columbia. He practices at Royal Columbian and Eagle Ridge Hospitals and also practices out of the Cambie Surgery Centre.
For my type of Achilles rupture, (with swelling and slight ecchymosis), Dr. Moola recommended that I go the non-surgical recovery route. Recent science findings, especially here in Canada, has shown that re-rupture rates of patients who have recovered from an Achilles rupture to not be significantly different from patients who underwent surgery. More about the scientific research a little later. Dr. Moola confirmed that my Thompson’s Test was definitely positive (positive when the right ankle doesn’t plantar flex when the calf is squeezed).
Can a Torn Achilles Tendon Heal On It’s Own?
Today, I was very surprised to learn that even a fully ruptured Achilles tendon will re-attach and grow back by itself! Our bodies are pretty amazing to be able to heal itself. Here is a photo while I was at the surgeon’s office. You can actually see the boot in the rear of the image but you can really see the ridge in the heel where the tendon snapped. The ridge was was actually even deeper on Day 1 at the ER.

With this info at hand, I was happy to leave the surgeon’s office knowing I do not have to undergo surgery. The only downside is that I will be out of commission for a slightly longer period of time as it takes more time for the tendon to re-attach and grow back.
Achillles Tendon Rupture Recovery Boot
Dr. Moola and his Orthopaedic Technologist, Milt Tingle fitted me up with an Össur Rebound Air Walker boot and an Evenup Shoe Balancer. In addition to the boot, I was also given an Achilles wedge kit that has removable wedges. Wedges (3 in my case) are placed in the heel of the boot and angles your foot in place at the correct healing angle. In time, you remove a wedge at a time to help lengthen the Achilles. If you end up in a recovery boot, your technician will tell you that you always remove the most bottom layer each time. So throughout your time in the boot, your heel is actually always resting on the same wedge (the upper most layer). You can see the cross section of the boot with the 3 wedges installed on the following image that shows the proper healing angle.

The boot itself is a few inches high so to prevent hip injury, the Evenup Shoe Balancer raises the height of your uninjured foot so you don’t walk like a penguin and injure your hip and joints. Here is what the Össur Rebound Air Walker boot and Evenup looks like.

The biggest surprise of the day was that the Air Walker boot, Evenup shoe balancer and Achilles wedge kit came to a cost of $300! I thought this type of recovery equipment would be covered by the Canadian public medical system but apparently not.
Day 4 – Not Much Sleep
Did not do much walking, kept the boot strapped on most of the day, including sleep time. It was not easy to sleep with the boot on. Not just because I was injured, but the boot is heavy enough to rotate my hip completely to the right and if I slept in that position for too long, my hip would hurt. Had to change my sleeping position often so that also meant not getting very good sleep at all.
Dr. Moola’s instructions were to continue to use crutches to get around but start weight bearing on the injured foot right away. He was saying that within a week, I probably will not need to rely on the crutches anymore. Based on my research and speaking with friends and colleagues who have torn their Achilles, their surgeons have recommended varying degrees of weight bearing on the injured ankle. Some start at 25% and gradually move up but Dr. Moola suggested I try 100% as long as it is not painful. I am happy to report that with the boot on and some practice, I could start to slowly walk around the house without crutches today. This was a huge relief. Hobbling on one leg with or without crutches is NOT an easy way to get around. Even when I need to use crutches, just being able to partially use my injured foot has helped tremendously with mobility.
I am still using crutches in the morning when I first get out of bed and of course when I need to get out of the house. It was a tiring day and I could not attend basketball practice. Luckily my wife and another parent coached in my place. Happy to report that I only missed 1 practice and no games!
Day 5 – Game Day with Crutches and a Wheelchair
It’s Friday and that means game day for a coach. I was able to participate in the game. Luckily I had access to a wheelchair so with the help of my wife and the crutches, I was still able to coach the team. #basketballneverstops

Day 6 – Some Ankle Swelling
Not much to report but I did notice my ankle began to swell a bit more. Pain was tolerable and very low since Day 1. Still trying to figure out a position so that I may get a longer stretch of sleep. Continuing to use crutches in the AM and later in the day when ankle begins to swell more.
Day 7 – Even More Ankle Swelling
Surprisingly, a week after my injury, my ankle swelled up even more. Did not get much sleep. This boot is rather heavy and I have sore hips from repeatedly trying to adjust and find a comfortable position that would give me the most pain relief. I did find that taking my boot off and giving myself a quick calf massage gave some comfort.
Day 8 – Excruciating Pain!
There was excruciating pain in the morning after sitting up with my feet hanging over the bed. Had to lie down a few times (and elevate my ankle) to relieve pressure and pain. It actually hurt as much as immediately after the rupture on Day 1. Ankle is extremely swollen. Then later that day, I realized I could relieve pain by taking off the boot and keeping my foot elevated. Most of the time, the pain will go away. My ankle is pretty swollen and tender. Not only does the torn tendon hurt but the boot is also pinching and decreasing blood circulation and that brings on even more pain. Thank goodness I was not fitted with a cast. The boot can easily be taken off to relieve some pain and I can wash my foot and ankle on a daily basis.
The orthopedic surgeon have instructions to exercise my toes by curling them up and down. The instruction sheet also mentioned tilting the bottom of the foot inward and outward. I am trying to do some of the recommended exercises but since I do not have full control of my foot yet, I can only wiggle my toes and point the toes down (active plantar flexion) and up (dorsi-flexion). I cannot raise my foot yet from my ankle joint. Not that I tried very hard as I know I need to give the tendon enough time to re-attach first so I don’t tear it again). I have very limited movement to rotate my ankle and angle the sole of my foot inwards (subtular inversion) or outwards (eversion) while in plantar flexion (with toes pointed down).
Besides the limited movement, the strangest feeling is that I cannot contract my injured calf muscle. No matter how I try to flex, the right calf muscle just would not contract. Not even a little bit. I definitely feel my calf muscle going into atrophy as I cannot use it. It’s a scary and gross feeling all at the same time.
Day 9 – Pain Kept Me From Sleeping
Did not get much sleep last night. The pain kept waking me up and I had to readjust position for relief. This morning, I took the boot off before dangling my feet to the ground. Sat there for 20 minutes until the pain subsided enough to comfortably get out of bed. Taking off the boot really helped to relieve the early morning pain. It took about 20 minutes to get out of bed today.
Throughout the day when the pressure and pain was too much to handle, I would take off the boot and elevate my foot. This almost always alleviated the pain rather quickly. It seems my ankle has swollen so much that that it is now being pinched by the boot, which is already super wide I might add. That is how swollen my injured ankle has become. Today I started taking Advil regularly every few hours to help with the pain and swelling. Before now, I have used Advil sparingly and only when it hurt too much. Not anymore. Advil is now necessary to try and keep the swelling down throughout the day.
Day 10 – Dealing With Pain From Swollen Ankle
Ankle is still extremely swollen and tight. Taking 400mg of Advil about 3-4 times a day to try and keep the swelling down and to manage the pain. Was able to attend basketball practice today and coach my youth girls team. Yeah! Except ankle is so swollen and tight that night, it hurt to sleep. Had to remove the boot for almost 2 hours just to deal with the pain before strapping on the boot again to sleep.

Day 11 – Not Good Sleep
This was a rough night of sleeping. Took almost 2 hours to fall asleep as I just could not find the right position to alleviate the pain. Did not want to take the boot off before sleeping as I had done that on previous nights and fell asleep with the boot unstrapped only to wake up in pain as I moved my injured foot unknowingly. Pain management was better today. After waking up, resting my foot on the ground brought on that excruciating pain again so I unstrapped the boot and rested for 20 minutes until the pain subsided enough to get out of bed.
I remembered to take Advil every 5-6 hours and used a bag of frozen peas & carrots to ice the front and outside of my ankle. Keeping the foot raised helped as well. I did notice minor pinches of pain in the ruptured area. Feels almost as if it’s healing and with the slightest of movement, would rip again.
Day 12 – Helps to Ice Ankle Before Sleep
Before sleeping last night, I iced my ankle several time for a good 30 minutes each time. Putting on the boot and going to sleep was better and I felt less discomfort. Waking up today, I also needed to unstrap my boot and sit for 20 minutes until the pain in the ruptured area subsided. There is no pain when in bed but once I put my foot on the floor, the blood rushing to the injured area causes pain. I feel more of the pinching I felt yesterday where I think there is a bunch of micro-tearing in the healing area. Feels kind of gross actually so I strapped the boot on extra tight today to try and lock the foot in place as much as possible.
Day 13 – No More Excruciating Pain
What a relief! There was no excruciating pain this morning when I sat up to get out of bed. I loosened the straps on my boot and rested my foot on the ground. Cringing and waited for the throbbing pain to hit the back of my heel like previous mornings but was pleasantly surprised that there was minimal pain. Perhaps staying on Advil and icing my ankle throughout yesterday brought the swelling down enough. Let’s hope this continues and the worst pain from this rupture is behind me.
However, I did notice my right calf muscle, around mid-calf, was tender and tight. Tried stretching it out but was also mindful not to overdo it since the Achilles does attach to the calf muscle and I do not want to re-injure anything. Hoping it’s just a muscle cramp and nothing more serious. There seems to be less micro-tearing in my injured heel. On previous days, I could feel sharp slices of pain with the smallest of foot movement. There is definitely less today. Yes, I am still grossed out that something seems to be repeatedly tearing inside my heel area! Continued to ice and take Advil to keep the swelling down.
Day 14 – Luckily I have Oversized Socks
Another morning without too much pain when getting out of bed! There was less swelling in the ankle today. But I did notice that on the days that I do venture out of the house, there is more swelling that evening. Also missed one dose of Advil today, just simply forgot. This may have also contributed to a bit more swelling. When my ankle was too swollen to comfortably take off my sock, I would ice with my sock on. On a side note, luckily a few months ago, I mistakenly purchased 2 pairs of socks that were a little larger than normal. Call it fate or just a lucky mistake, I now have 4 over-sized socks to wear on my injured foot.
Day 15 – Unbearable Knee Pain
Before waking up, I adjusted my sleeping position to find the least amount of strain on my ankle and ended up sleeping for a bit in the fetal position. Although I did have a pillow in between my knees, it was obviously not the best position. I have used the fetal position the last few nights to find relief but this time, the weight of the boot wreaked havoc on my knee.
My knee was weighted down inward as I slept and when I woke up, the outside of my knee was frozen with pain and I just could not un-bend my knee. Only with my wife’s help could I remove the boot and try to sit up. I managed to struggle and rest my foot on the ground. Knee pain was extreme but it subsided quickly as I was finally able to straighten my leg again. Luckily, there was no heel pain from quickly putting my foot on the ground; only felt pressure from the blood rushing to the injured area. Thank goodness.
In the evening during an icing session, I took my sock off and noticed that calf of my injured foot was significantly smaller than my left calf. It was a little devastating to see. Ever since I haved play sports, I have always had large and fairly defined calf muscles. Pretty sure this was due to genetics and just being very active all year round. Needless to say, I was shocked because I have never seen myself with such a skinny calf after finishing primary school! Swelling is less and it’s way easier to wear the big sock now. Still did not try wearing a normal-sized sock yet.
Also, today was the first day that I could even gently flex (ever so slightly) my injured calf muscle. I tried doing this a week ago and there was no calf movement at all. Although I have some strength to move my toes up and down, I still have very little control trying to lift my foot upwards. Doing this gently of course so I don’t tear anything in the heel. It’s just an odd feeling when you have no control of your own foot. I may be getting some first-hand experience of the mental drain and discouraging feeling athletes and patients go through with a devastating injury.
I guess I could not hide the disappointment in my face as my wife re-assured me I will fully recover and she will help me with the rehab to get back into shape. She even showed me how skinny her calves were and told me that many great NBA players have skinny calves. I am one lucky dude.
Day 16 to 30 – Found a Better Way to Sleep
The first week, I was still in shock. The second week was denial and anger actually. These next 2 weeks, I will lump all my notes together. The main thing to note for these 2 weeks is that waking up in the morning and putting my foot down, there was no more excruciating pain. I feel pressure in the injured area and around my ankle and can sit for a few minutes before tightening my boot to walk around (with some limping). The surgeon has asked me to be full weight bearing (FWB) on my injured foot as early as I can so I have been doing that since getting my boot. But I do notice on days that I take less Advil and / or when I walk more, there is more swelling in the ankle (inner and outer). I have been using ice and Advil to keep the swelling and pain down. The pain comes from the swelling more than the injured area. In fact, there is hardly any pain from the torn tendon, just tightness and no control of my ankle. I can put much more pressure down using my toes now and can even wiggle them upwards a little more, but I am still unable to lift my foot up very much. I would say only about 1 cm maybe before it starts to wobble from lack of control. I am still unable to flex my calf.
Luckily, I discovered a way to wrap my boot up with a towel and bungee cord so that I can sleep with my toes pointed up instead of letting the heavy boot twist my leg to the side. This saved a lot of grief, decreased hip pain significantly and I can actually sleep undisturbed for a few good hours again.

Week 4 – Surgical vs Non-Surgial Achilles Recovery
Not much has changed in week 4 except I am beginning to figure out more efficient ways to complete day-to-day tasks like putting on my shorts and showering. Even the simplest of things is now a challenge.
For those of you going through an Achilles rupture recovery, or any type of injury that prevents you from standing normally, the following is a great tip to remember. Find better ways to accomplish tasks that require you to stand up and sit down repeatedly. You will put less strain on other joints and muscles that you by now are probably favouring due to your injury.
Began to felt pain in my left (uninjured ankle) and right wrists from over using and favouring them. As long as I remember to stretch them, the pain can be managed. The daily doses of Advil I am taking probably helps with this as well.
I take a shower everyday and have figured out a routine to do a quick wipe down of the boot so that once I am done showering, it would be dry enough to use right away. Unfortunately, no amount of wiping is completely getting rid of the funky smell. I finally traced the odour to the heel of the inside boot lining. Wiping alone won’t get rid of the smell, I may need to remove the inner lining and wash it by hand. On sunny days, my wife and daughter brings the boot out to the back deck to sit in the sun. This helps with sanitizing it but there hasn’t been many sunny days lately.
Even previously, I was beginning to worry a little since I cannot flex my injured calf muscle and my calf itself probably shrunk 30-40% from it’s original size. Yes, I have fairly muscular calf muscles so it is disconcerting to look at the weak one when the boot is off; just not used to seeing it so frail. I spoke with my family doctor and he said it’s normal not to be able to flex my calf. You need an attachment on both ends of the muscle to flex it and I do not have that given my Achilles rupture.
More recent reports in various news sources and even in PubMed (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health) shows re-rupture rates of non-surgical Achilles rupture is comparable to surgical when active rehab is done early enough and properly. Because I have a life sciences background, I feel comfortable reading medical journals and all recent findings from PubMed does lean towards non-surgical rehab, especially in Canada & the United Kingdom.
Here is a news article reporting re-rupture rates between surgical and non-surgical treatment of patients who ruptured an Achilles tendon. From that article, I reached out to Dr. Mark Glazebrook, Orthopaedic Surgeon and Researcher whose specialty is in reconstructive foot & ankle surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine based out of the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Center in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dr. Glazebrook, the surgeon quoted in that article, got back to me right away and sent me a document with a process for treatment of achilles tendon ruptures for non-operative patients. It highlights things you should do at various stages of the recovery process and most of these were in line with what my own orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Moola, had outlined. This document was actually more detailed in the specific things to do. I have received permission from Dr. Glazebrook to re-post this document as long as I referenced Willets et al JBJS modified by Rubinger and Glazebrook. Hope it can help others out there. Here is the document (original was a .docx, I converted it into a PDF format): June 2105 Accelerated Rehabilitation Program.
I am happy to report that I can wiggle my toes a little more now in active plantar flexion and dorsi-flexion. I still cannot raise my foot to neutral yet. I have limited rotation of my ankle inwards (subtular inversion) or outwards (eversion) while in plantar flexion (with toes pointed down) but it is getting a little more each day as I try to gently perform these exercises.
Definitely, I can now feel the injured area is less jello-like and is at the initial stages of re-growing back. I can still feel a small ridge where the tendon had ruptured but it’s no where as deep as it was when I first tore it. Also happy to report that I am no longer grossed out by my injury. Your mind will adapt when it has to.
Week 5 – No More Icing And Doing More Rehab Exercising
I stopped icing my foot all together. My personal experience from high school sports was that heating the injured area has always given me better results than icing. Icing gives immediate relief from pain but it also constricts blood flow. Our bodies are good at repairing itself and need increased blood flow to do the actual repair. So this week and partially last, I started to use hot water to soothe both of my ankles while showering. I did this early on at around week 2 and the injured ankle swelled up too much and was very uncomfortable to even put on the boot. I stopped using heat until now. No more major swelling, just pressure now with the odd pain when the foot is not elevated for an extended period of time.
I am able to do more pointing of the sole of my foot inwards (subtular inversion) or outwards (eversion) while in plantar flexion (with toes pointed down).
I started looking for braces to help with recovery and support for when I can step back out on the basketball court. I know Steph Curry (NBA MVP form 2015) wears ankle braces full time when he plays a game so I looked up the brand that he uses. It’s actually called Zamst and he swears by them saying they are so lightweight, they don’t get in way of performance.
I was looking to get a pair of ankle braces but to my surprise, Zamst also makes an Achilles tendon brace. Amazon reviews are not very good on these but after researching some more, I think these negative reviews may be due to user error. In order for this brace to work, at least on the demo videos that I have found, you have to set your foot in a specific position before strapping in all the velcro. I can see if someone just put these on without setting the foot in the proper position first, you would think you are just wearing a sock with many velcro pieces.
Whether I am right remains to be seen. I just was not able to located ANY reliable 3rd party review of the Zamst AT-1 brace besides the Amazon reviews. Well, there was a Physiotherapist who did a quick video review but I am pretty sure he strapped the brace on incorrectly as well as he did it OVER his patient’s sock rather than on the bare ankle. I will talk more about braces at a future date as I get closer to getting back out on the basketball court.
In the meantime, basketball never stops. Practicing with my daughter continues with the help of crutches and a wheelchair.

Week 6 – Healing and Getting Rid of the Stinky Boot Smell
Day to day things become easier as I learn to do things more efficiently. For instance, I have been able to shower everyday early on as it’s easy to remove and wear the boot. Thank goodness I have a removable boot as opposed to a cast. The boot can be removed so I can clean and wash my foot. Not only that, sometimes when the pressure gets to be too much and pain sets in, I can remove the boot for immediate relief from that pressure. The last few weeks, the boot has been a bit smelly even though I have been wiping the inside cushion portion on a daily basis. There is no getting around this I guess, feet generate stank!
I tried spraying Febreeze into the boot but that didn’t really help. Just made the it smell like a Febreezed stinky boot. There are suggestions to use baking soda or vinegar to try and soak up the smell but I wanted to not just mask the smell, I am actually trying to kill the bacteria that is causing the smell. So I tried wiping the inside of the boot with some Exact brand medicated body powder with zinc oxide and menthol. Well, wiping the powder in with a damp paper towel and then vacuuming the remaining powder away actually. I am not sure if the zinc oxide kills the bacteria or if the powder keeps the boot more dry, but the stinky boot smell almost disappeared when I continued to wipe it down on a daily basis.
When there is lots of sunshine, I try to leave the boot out on the deck to sit in the sun for an hour or 2 at a time. The biggest thing is to keep your foot and ankle clean. That means trimming toe nails, keeping them short and washing diligently everyday.
And whenever my boot is off, I have a small USB fan airing it out. In fact, I also find some comfort with the fan blowing directly on my foot as well so luckily we have 2 USB fans at home. The fan makes the boot less smelly, dries it out quickly after my daily wipe down and if I place it in perfect alignment, I can also keep my sock and foot dry at the same time. The second fan is used during sleep. I find it soothing to have air blowing at my leg and boot. All of the above seems to keep the stinky boot smell under control. Thank you again to my wife who actually got me the USB fan a while ago to be used when I was working on the computer! Yeah!
Another thing that I found helpful was to find more efficient ways to do things. For instance, after showering, I will pull my under wear and shorts on up to my thigh first. Then strap my boot on so I can actually stand up, then completely dress myself. This way, I don’t have to stand up on one leg multiple times. This helps to decrease aches from other joints that I am now over using during my daily routine. My left (uninjured) ankle and my right wrist hurts most as I am favouring these now. This may be too much info for some of you but as I mentioned, simple things I used to take for granted has now become a difficult task. I hope someone can find this information helpful.
This was an odd week with regards to pain. I am definitely feeling more pain from the sides of my heel and even the injured area (slightly above the back of the heel). This was the area of pain where I initially ruptured my Achilles.
I did stop icing a while back and am trying to manage the swelling with elevating my foot and taking Advil. Science (and from my own experiences during previous injuries like rolling my ankle) shows that the body heals itself in stages. At some point during the healing stage, blood is required to circulate throughout the injured area so it can begin to heal. This is the main reason why I stopped icing the injured area. In fact, I started to use warm to hot water to massage the injured heel and ankle while showering. Also, even when I iced, I only iced the swollen ankle (outside and inside). I never iced on the heel directly as I did not want to restrict blood flow to the injured area.
There was also more tearing like tiny little fibers ripping apart (in the back of the heel) from the slightest of movement even though my foot was solidly locked inside the boot. There must be lots of healing here and it may be tearing as the area moves. I still cannot flex my calf but I can now slightly move my ankle from side to side but only when the toes are pointing down in plantar flexion. When the ankle is in neutral position, I still cannot rotate my ankles (subtular inversion and eversion). It is indeed a very odd feeling looking at my ankle and not being able to move it like it would normally.
A few more days until I see Dr. Moola, ortho surgeon, for a follow-up. Let’s hope the tendon is growing back as it should.
Achilles Tendon Rupture Non-Surgical Recovery – What I Have Learned In My First 6 Weeks
For me, the most important thing that I have learned is that I am one lucky guy to have my wife and daughters.
It was and still is crucial that they have been supporting me physically and emotionally. The load I have placed on my family has been pretty enormous. Without them, I would not have been able to continue coaching basketball. Without their constant love and support, I would not even be able to take care of myself very well at home and be as comfortable either. And for them, I am eternally thankful!
Look at the beautiful food I get to eat at home!

Luckily there is technology like the Össur Rebound Air Walker boot so I am at least able to slowly walk.
Listen to your surgeon. And ask lots of questions so you are absolutely clear about your condition to help best plan your recovery protocol. Listen to your body during recovery. When it hurts, slow down. I will continue to document my non-surgical Achilles rupture recovery as the weeks go on.
How’s it going with the injury now? I’m in my 5th week post-injury non-surgical recovery.
Hi Ian, I see your first post was in March 2016. Just wondering how your recovery went after the 6 week mark? Are you back playing basketball and if so, how long did it take for you to get back on the court? I ruptured my left Achilles 3 weeks ago. My incident occurred EXACTLY the same way you’ve described yours. I’m taking the non-surgery journey also. However, I was in a front slab/cast for the first 2 weeks (completely immobile with my leg elevated most of the time) and now I’m in a removable cast. I’ve been told I won’t go into a boot and be weight bearing for a few more weeks. The crutches are a killer! I live in New South Wales, Australia. Regards, Jody Sharpe
Sorry I missed your comment Jody. I changed commenting systems on this blog so it’s been a while. How is your journey to recovery?
All the best!
Bro. Just popped my Achilles tonight playing ball. Felt like someone hit me with a metal bat, but when I looked behind me…nothing. Everyone in the gym knew the instant it happened. So of course, I started researching (I came home to ice and elevate and plan to go to ER in the morning) and I just read this entire article. Thank you so much man. I’m a little shook daddy (scared) but reading your story truly brought me comfort. It also has made me seriously consider the non-surgical route as well. In general, I’m pretty healthy and I 1,000% believe in the power of the body to heal itself. I’m also in America. And I also don’t have insurance. Thank you thank you thank you. God bless you and your family.
Hi Lenox,
I am sorry to hear about your injury. Thank you for your kind words, I am glad my posts has helped you in some way. This is a very tough injury to recover from. It takes a ton of time and a lot of proper rehab to get better. Kobe was able to come back in 12 months and he is a machine. Most of us do not have access to medical care that professional athletes do. We just do our best. The good news is, I am playing ball once again so there is sports after an Achilles rupture.
Keep reading. It helps to heal in both the physical and mental capacities. Knowing this is half the battle.
All the best in your recovery journey!
Hey Ian,
How’s the recovery for the Achilles tear? I too rekindled my love for the game of basketball and at 47 years old, tore my Achilles 1 1/2 inch or 6 centimeters. It popped, hurts, swelled up and bruised badly. I’m just over 3 weeks non-surgical recovery. My surgeon put me on that exact plan that is in your post. I am hopeful and looking forward to loosing the boot!!
Hey Richie,
I am sorry to hear about your Achilles rupture. Rest up and do a ton of reading. You will get differing advice from others and even health care professionals. Just go with your own gut feeling as to what you need to do. No one will know your body better than you! Listen to your body.
Stay positive and know that there is a mental aspect that needs healing as well. Knowing this will help guide some of the decisions you will need to make on your path to recovery.
On the bright side, I am able to play ball again and hope you can find some comfort knowing this. I am now learning (slowly) to not play at the maximum level. Many other coaches who have undergone this same injury is doing the same.
All the best!
Hey Ian,
Just came across this. I ruptured mine playing volleyball just over two weeks ago. I looked back and was in disgust that my teammate didn’t apologize for kicking me in leg….tried to get up, almost fell forward and iced down my ‘calf strain’ on the sideline. I spent 6 days limping around, assuring myself I had pulled something until my AT got real quiet when she assessed me and told me to get to the doctor ASAP. Another week went by and I finally saw a surgeon last Thursday (12 days post-injury, limping around). He was going to do surgery but noticed the swelling and tightness in my calf. Like you, I have enormous calves (18 inch, relaxed). He discovered DVT’s in my leg and put me on blood thinners immediately. Because of the DVT’s he will not operate. As of this writing, I have to go the non-surgical route and will only be fitted for my boot tomorrow (Canadian Thanksgiving today) after giving my leg 3 days of elevation and pills to reduce the swelling. I have enjoyed reading about your journey and fully intend on fast tracking the rehab program you attached. I was a high level athlete in my youth and the thought of no longer being able to play competitively has taken an emotional toll on me. Thanks for sharing.
*Interesting note: As I seem to be have taken an unusually long time to get immobilized, comparatively speaking, I have noticed in the last 3 days I can plantar flexion with very light pressure on the ball of foot when walking, dorsiflexion is good, but tight. It will remain to be seen how much recovery I will have post rehab and if waiting this long to get immobilized was a good think.
Hey Glen,
Sorry to hear about your injury! The good news is, you have some movement so perhaps not a full rupture but not being an expert, I cannot truly say. What I will share is that when I was going through rehab, I was determined to go hard to make sure I get back to 100%. It actually slowed down my rehab as I maxed out on exercises. No massive side effects but the physio did not like that I pushed too hard. What I learned was to listen to my body and go at that pace instead.
We cannot compare our downtime to Kobe Bryant. He had surgery very quickly and had the newest procedure possible. Way less invasive than what regular mortals can get at a public or even private health care system. There was a team surrounding him for all those months of recovery and he was definitely back on the court super early. Plus, pretty sure he was extremely fit to begin with 🙂
Be ready emotionally. There is a road to recover on that front as well. But knowing it’s part of the journey will give a better result at the end of the day. Just know that one day, you will be able to play again if you manage your rehab well.
Good luck in your recovery. I wish you all the best!
Hi – I did rupture my achilles just last sunday ( 16 Feb ) i did hear a pop then pain & knew this was pretty bad , i was just helping someone out & took a stride on incline then slipped on a small tree stump that was not visible , i have been beating myself up thinking why did i have to rush up the hill , if i had walked non of this would have happened – so here is where i am at.
1. Dr apt – 17th 2. xray & ultrasound 18th 3. Emergency & right leg cast 18th. ( 19th at home resting & trying not to be negative or stressed ) Orthopedic surgen apt next week – i suppose the long road ahead starts then.
Hi John,
Sorry to hear about your injury. And don’t beat yourself up for trying to help someone. Rest a ton and plan how your rehab plan now. All the best and hoping your session with your orthopedic surgeon is a useful one!
Thanks Ian – i appreciate the reply , i feel very down at the moment , my wife is very supportive & i will do everything thoroughly – time is the healer , i am trying to be positive but its difficult , have not told any friends either just feel i want to be left alone …. thankyou again for your reply
Regards John.V.
Hi John,
There is a social aspect of this injury that is rarely discussed. I think the best thing is that you are aware of your own state of mind. This is not an easy injury to recover from and friends and family are indeed important during the healing process. Give yourself some time to grasp the situation before letting your friends know. I would encourage you to do it in time. When I made the announcement, I was lucky and had friends who reached out and supported me as they wanted to share their own recovery from their own achilles rupture. Anyone who has gone through this injury will be happy to send you a note, I guarantee it.
All the best and take good care.
Hi Ian,
I ruptured my left achilles tendon 3 weeks ago playing soccer, and I chose the non surgical treatment. I spent my first 2 weeks in a cast and now I have a boot. I also chose to have a knee scooter just for convenience am not supposed to put any weight on my leg yet but I somehow managed to walk inside my apartment without crutches or my knee scooter but still in my boot and to be honest I’m kind of scared that it’s going to cause me more problem.
Love your post,
Kind regards,
Hi Xavier,
Sorry to hear about your rupture. I think it’s actually advantageous to be in a boot as opposed to a cast. You can at least take off the boot to relieve pressure and to clean your leg.
I have heard other surgeons not recommending weight bearing while my orthopedic surgeon suggested full weight bearing and without crutches as soon as my foot allowed. I guess be sure to follow the advice of your medical professional helping you with this recovery.
All the best and let us know how things progress.
Hi Ian,
Thank you for sharing your experience on the first 6 weeks of your recovery journey. I completely ruptured my Achilles tendon on February 20th playing basketball and was taken to the ER immediately. The ER doctor put a splint on me and I saw the specialist 4 days later. The specialist and the surgeon both recommended the non-surgical approach stating the re-rupture rate is comparable when the rehab starts early enough. But the specialist told me to not put any weight on my injured foot when he fit me with the Air Cast. He didn’t give me the shoe balancer. I’m having second thoughts about the non-surgical approach because I read that the Achilles tendon becomes thinner when it repairs itself. I am also surprised that your surgeon asked you to put weight on your injured foot right away!
The research paper “Accelerated Rehabilitation Program” states starting protected weight-bearing with crutches between 2 and 4 weeks. I don’t have the luxury of help and had to take care of myself as well as my kids. With the crutches it is NOT easy to do anything in the house. Should I walk around in my boot without crutches now? Many thanks for your thoughts.
Hi Simon,
Sorry to hear about your injury. What I have learned from speaking with many others is that advice from ortho-surgeons can vary. It’s really a judgement call on their part on whether the patient can fully bear weight soon after a rupture; and if so, to what degree. I am not a medical professional so I would suggest you find an orthopedic surgeon that you trust and go with their recovery plan.
Just in case this may help, here is the rest of my recovery journey:
Wishing you the best!
Thank you, Ian. I’ve read through all 12-week-long recovery you went through. It gives me hope. Would you say that you fully recovered to the pre-injury level of intensity and activeness? For example, have you been able to do weight training, full contact basketball games, long-distance run/cycling and etc.? I had to cancel my upcoming marathon, which upset me a lot. I’m afraid that I will never be able to get back to my pre-injury level because the risk of re-rupture will be much higher. How are you maintaining your active life style after full recovery? Many thanks.
Hi Simon,
That is the question I get asked most common. And rightly so as I was wondering the same thing myself when I ruptured my own Achilles. Will I be able to do the same things afterwards? In short, I never stopped coaching basketball. With the help of a wheelchair and especially the boot, I was able to keep our team’s season going. And with time, I am now going as hard as I have in games and practices as prior to my rupture. Do take some comfort in knowing that recovery back to sports is possible. I really should do a follow post now that the dust has settled.
Hang in there and plan your rehab now. Start at the right time as a good rehab decreases re-ruptures.
Good luck!
Hi Ian
I have read your 12 week recovery many many times and it has been helpful in so many ways. Thank you. I am now in day 29 of a non surgical recovery so just over 4 weeks and I am doing great. My tear was 2.5 cm. After the injury I could still move my foot so I am guessing this is what they would call a partial tear even though they told me it was a full tear. The reason I mention this is that your readers need to know the extent of their injury in order to assess their long term goals. I have been very fortunate throughout this whole experience to have very little pain. Part of the reason for this, I believe, is that I only started partial weight bearing at end of the 3rd week. I also started physio at the same time. Yesterday the surgeon told me to remove the wedges all at once. Since then I have been walking with the boot on with no crutches and no pain. In physio, I am already doing strengthening exercises with no pain. My surgeon tells me I will be in the boot for 8 more weeks and then I will be able to play hockey again 4 weeks after that. That is a return to hockey after 16 weeks. By the way I am 68 years old. The point in telling this story is to encourage your readers to find out the extent of their injury. Again your reporting has been very helpful and encouraging. It really makes you appreciate the internet.
Hi Bill,
Thank you for your kind comment and for taking the time to share your own experiences here. I am sure others will find comfort in knowing your situation. It’s so important to have good support from your surgeon and physiotherapist. Glad you have the support to a speedy recovery back to get back on the ice! Do keep us updated from time to time as to how things go. Hoping that will help many others who stumble onto this blog. All the best!
Hi Ian & Bill – i have read Bills e.mail & was also in touch with Ian approximately 4 weeks ago , at the start i was pretty depressed about the whole situation , but the progression has been quite good for me also , the 1st 2 weeks i was in a cast after that i was fitted with a boot , then an appointment with a physio a week after that & now doing ankle & foot stretches , although i still have some swelling in the ankle it is without any pain , so things for me are now working out in a more positive direction , currently walking on the boot with a crutch with slight weight bearing & being mobile is another positive – i am 66 years of age ( plumber ) from Melbourne/ Australia & would also be happy to hear from anyone else who wants to reach out – the 1st 2 weeks in a cast were depressing & i took Ian’s advice & concentrated on my recovery & rehab , the result now being in a positive frame of mind.. Many thanks to Ian for his reply’s to me as this has been very helpful & thanks Bill for your e.mail also.
Melbourne – Australia
Hi John,
I am happy to read your kind comment and am very glad my recovery blog posts could benefit someone out there!
While all patients who undergo recovery, we mostly focus on the physical. The other component that is less discussed is the mental healing that also need to take place. It’s so very important and can indeed affect the outcome of our physical recovery. So thank you for taking the time to post a follow-up so others may also benefit from your experiences. Glad things are going well. Keep on healing!
Best regards!
Hi Ian & Everyone – I am now in my 6th week & had my 2nd apt with the physio yesterday he wanted to see how my ankle movement was – dorsi flexion & plantar flexion was all very good , i am also lucky to not have had any pain over the last 6 weeks but i understand that this varies with everyone , do not need the crutches any longer unless i feel there is a need possibly when outside , my next physio apt is in 2 weeks & i’m told that there is a possibility that the boot can come off then can also drive my car , in the mean i can also do some resistance work to my ankle – the 1st 2 weeks of my injury i was so upset & depressed thinking what the hell have i done especially in the fact that i was only trying to help someone out causing this terrible injury , with the help of my family & friends that contacted me this has definitely helped with my recovery , its a long road but you will get there & things will also get back to normal – i hope this helps ( Regards – John.V – Melbourne / Australia )
Hey John,
So glad things are going well for you! And thank you so much for sharing your recovery and your thoughtful comments. I am sure they will help others out there who are going through the same thing.
All the best!
Last week was the 8 week mark for me and I started to walk more without the boot. Yesterday, at the start of the 9th week I was walking about a half hour a day without any discomfort. I am only wearing the boot now when I am on uneven surfaces or when I am on the elliptical. My surgeon says I am ahead of schedule. I think a few things have helped me out. Firstly, I think that my tear might have been partial. The second thing is that I have been doing physio exercises 3 times a day since week 3. Even before week 3 I was doing light weights to keep the upper body in trim. I think the routine of rehab has also kept my mind busy so the time seems to have gone by really quickly.
Hey William,
Thank you very much for keeping us updated on your recovery. Glad to hear things are indeed going smoothly. And congrats on being able to keep up with your rehab. This is definitely an important factor for physical and emotional healing! Soon enough, you will be back to your regular routine. Continue to post back when you have reached another milestone. I am sure your recovery journey will help others out there dealing with the same injury.
Thanks and continued success!
Today is 11 weeks exactly since my injury. I am now walking for about a half hour a day in the woods with no boot and no issues. I am also walking about a half hour on level surfaces and spending about 20 minutes on the elliptical. Slight swelling after exercises and slight weakness in the calf are the only issues right now. I was limping for a while but now that I have my calf muscle at about 80% the limp is all but gone. I think being retired has been a big help as I have been able to do physio exercises 3 times a day in addition to all the other activities. The time has gone relatively quickly since the injury and I think this is in part to the schedule I made and then followed routinely. I realize my recovery is a bit faster than usual but it shows that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
That is indeed great news Bill! Sounds like you are doing well and your recovery is coming along smoothly, so fantastic! Thank you for your on-going sharing. I am sure your comments will help others undergoing the same recovery process!
Saw the Surgeon, exactly 12 weeks from the injury. I have been walking two weeks now in the woods with hiking boots, and now I have been given the all clear to start skating again. It may have to be roller blading for now. Looking back to the first few weeks, it was pretty grim having to go up and down stairs on my rear end and being totally dependent on my wife for many things, but the time has passed relatively quickly. I think having a daily routine and a good attitude has made all the difference.
Wow Bill! That is very good news. As always, thank you for updating us on your recovery. It is so helpful for others out there who suffered this injury to read about your smooth recovery. Enjoy!
Hi Ian,
Great to read your experience with a ruptured achilles., so informative. I do however feel I am so behind in progress ! I fully ruptured mine just over 4 weeks ago. Within the first 3 days i strained my groin from lifting the boot and started the onset of severe sciatica… its been a complete nightmare and I have had to bed rest for most of the time…pain being a huge issue (more so in pelvic area). I cant tolerate pain meds either !
I am able to get up at various times for the bathroom on crutches and have a move around but the injury and nerve pain together become so incredibly heightened and unbearable. We are of course in lockdown, so i have had no support or physio. My first wedge has been removed and the second will come out next week.
I feel quite neglected and concerned at the inability to progress at any speed… this certainly is a mind challenge. Like you, I am having amazing support from lovely family.
I know this isnt a problem you can probably answer but it would be interesting to know if anybody else had the same problems and reaction.
I have really enjoyed reading your blog and all the posts. Thank you
I am 58 years old and previously a dance and pilates instructor.
Warm regards
Hi Julie,
I am very sorry to hear about your injuries and you are very welcome! I hope here is something that will provide some comfort. Having spoken to so many others out there who have also suffered an Achilles rupture, know that one day, things will be ok. And there is no such thing as behind in progress. In fact, I made the decision with the support of my own physiotherapist that I would keep the boot on for a little longer than recommended due to some pain in the injured area. Everyone heals at a different rate.
Hang in there and know what as long as you keep up with your rehab exercises, things will turn out fine. I have fully returned to coaching basketball and doing it at game speed. It took time and hard work so you can also get back to being a dance and Pilates instructor as well. Just hang in there and keep your mind on the prize! With time, the light at the end of the tunnel will shine brighter each and every day!
All the best in your recovery and do come back and share so others may also benefit from your experience Julie!
Sending you healing thoughts!
Hi Julie
My recovery was a lot smoother than yours but I still think I have a bit of advice. I am in week 13 now and the time has gone by faster than I would have thought. One of the secrets for me was routine. I would do my exercises every morning, afternoon, and evening. You add in breakfast, lunch, dinner, and TV after and the day is pretty full. I never found myself being bored and I think this really helped the time go by quickly. As Ian has said many times the mental aspect of healing is very important, and I guess often neglected. This is a very frustrating injury but there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. Take care. Bill
Hi Ian,
I am a physician from California and just started my 6th week of recovery, non-operative management. My question to you and the forum is at what point did you stop wearing the boot at night? My doctors have recommended 8 weeks, but I am wondering if anyone stopped earlier and how did that go? I don’t have much pain, so for me the biggest problem is getting a good night’s rest.
Hi Johnny,
Sorry to hear about your injury. I think the boot duration may be different based on the surgeon who made the recommendation and on the severity of the injury (full rupture vs partial). Of the users who I have been in contact with, most wear the boot for 10-15 weeks but again, this is just a guideline. Best to go with your surgeon’s recommendation. Having said that, I felt it was better to wear the boot for slightly longer due to some discomfort once all the wedges were removed. My physio was also ok with this. Sometimes it’s best to listen to our body when it comes to pain management.
Having said that, there are published guidelines as I mentioned in the post above (with the blessing of Dr. Glazebrook). Here is the link again:
As for when I took the boot off, it’s best to check in my documentation. Here is my recovery journey posts:
All the best in your recovery and do come back and share your journey. I am sure it will help others going through the same thing!
Hi Johnny
My recovery was quite quick so my timeline is also fairly fast. I first took the boot off at night on day 26 after the injury. I was a bit nervous but it was okay. The next night was much better as I realized my foot had enough strength to resist any pulls or pushes while sleeping. This is probably just my imagination but I think the foot healed faster without the boot.
Thanks Ian and Bill. I’ve already been fully weight-bearing for almost 2 weeks and I am also able to weakly platarflex at this point without any pain. I think the rehab protocols are trending towards even earlier (some almost immediate) weight-bearing in comparison to the Glazebrook protocol you reference Ian. So I think I may try without the boot at night, maybe using a light splint with an ace bandage, just so I don’t dorsiflex past neutral (although I agree with Bill this probably is unlikely at this point to do while sleeping). I’ll let you know how that works out. Best to both of you and all others suffering from this very frustrating injury!
Hey Johnny, I think the weight bearing issue depends on the surgeon you get and what research they have been following. My orthopedic surgeon actually recommended weight bearing from day 1 of seeing him. It took a few days to be confident in walking with the boot without crutches. But the boot was a big help in my recovery process. With it locked into place, I quickly weaned myself off crutches all together.
In short, I read as many medical journal articles as I could on the topic and listened to what the surgeon and physiotherapist recommended. I also made sure to listen to my own body and then made my recovery decisions based on all of the above. Having a life science background and interest in the subject matter did help in my research.
Scroll up to Week #3 – #4 to see my DIY setup to get a better night’s sleep! ?
Hope that helps!
Hi Ian,
Thanks for sharing your story. I’m almost 4 weeks into my recovery from a fully ruptured Achilles tendon, I’m following the non-surgical route.
I’ve heard that the tendon usually reconnects in 2 to 6 weeks. My biggest fear is that if it doesn’t reconnect by 6 weeks, then I will have to go the surgical route which will set me back to day one of my recovery. I have performed the Thompson Test, where I squeeze my calf muscle but there is no foot movement at all :-(.
At what stage did your Achilles tendon reconnect to the extend that you had foot movement when performing the Thompson Test?
Should I be concerned that I have no foot movement yet?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Kin,
First of all, sorry to hear about your injury. It’s concerning when there is no movement in the ankle. From memory, I did not even try to move it as I wanted the best chance for proper healing. Wasn’t going to risk any tearing during the healing process. What I also remember is after taking the boot off to do rehab, movement was small at the start. I think it was mostly from muscle atrophy as the muscles forgot how to move. Kind of amazing that only after a few weeks, the body had to re-learn how to fire those nerves and muscle fibers.
To answer your question, I never tried moving it until late into the recovery period. But to know for sure, check out my entire recovery process here with videos of when I first started to flex and walk again:
Good luck and I hope things go smoothly for you!
Thanks for sharing all of this!
I started reading and thought that it sounded much like my story – right down to the reflection on the $24 crutches. Then you got to the Fraser Orthopaedic Institute and that really hit it home as that’s where I was treated as well.
In my case things seem to have gone comparatively well (although I’m only 6+ weeks in now).
I had a cast for one day only. Within 24 hours I was in a walking boot and putting full weight on it. I continued to use crutches for a few more days to help balance, but once I was used to the boot I was able to walk with no problems.
I see this in comparison to people who are in a cast for multiple weeks and can’t put full weight on the leg for over a month and I consider myself pretty lucky. I guess the treatment trends have really gone in this direction (early weight, no surgery, minimal medication). …but I’m sure every case is unique so certainly work with your doctor.
Now after 6 weeks the doctor gave me the OK to leave the boot off except when walking. So I can sleep with it off, use a stationary bike (haven’t tried it yet though), and generally ‘hang out’ without the boot on. I’ve also been given the OK to strengthen the calf. At first it was hard to even activate it as I hadn’t flexed it in 6 weeks and it was almost like my body had forgotten how. I was doing range of motion but really wanted to avoid putting any tension on the tendon.
For people sleeping with the boot off – what do you do if you need to use the washroom in the middle of the night? I have my $24 crutches and just don’t let my leg touch the ground. Fortunately my bathroom is very close so this seems reasonably safe.
I was lucky in that I didn’t have a lot of pain. I had discomfort at night and would loosen the boot straps a bit while I sleep, and then use a cane or crutches to get to the washroom if required. Certainly sleeping was hard to get used to though. For maybe 5 nights I’d take an Advil before bed, but that and the two I took immediately after it happened were the only medication I’ve had to take.
I really feel for your troubles sleeping for so long. That must have been very hard. I had difficulty that wasn’t nearly as bad as yours but still the lack of sleep for the first week or two still caused me a lot of extra trouble.
Good luck to everyone with this injury! Stay positive if you can and know that it will be over eventually.
Hi Jason,
Thank you for sharing your comment here. It”s great news that you are well ahead of the normal curve when it comes to a recovery plan. 6 weeks before rehab will help a ton with getting mobility back, nice! You will definitely not lose as much muscle mass in your calf as most people who recover from this injury.
Just in case this helps, here is the rest of my journey with a few videos.
Your comment reminded me of my video from week 10 where my ankle would twitch during exercises!
And your comment to stay positive is a big one that is rarely emphasized. There is an emotional toll from this injury and recovery mentally is just as important as the physical side.
Thanks again for sharing and keep us posted as you enjoy your road to full recovery.
By the way, did you also rupture your Achilles while playing basketball?
No – it was tennis, but I also looked behind me to see who had hit me with a ball!
Rehabbing at week 6 = back on the tennis court sooner rather than later. Good luck Jason!
Thank you all for sharing your stories, I played my first and possibly last game of AFL9s (social touch footy) on Wednesday night, just after half time I went to run after my opponent and felt like I had been hit, I was so confused wondering what had hit me and where it came from! I assumed it was not that bad and I would walk it off but my team suspected it was achilles, I could not put any weight on it and had to be carried off. My husband took me to ER after the game, by that time it was about 8pm calf test confirmed it was a torn achilles and they put me in a cast, I went back yesterday for ultrasound to find out the extent of the damage and it is a full tear. I was fitted with a boot and also have to use clexane… I had to learn to inject myself daily to avoid blood clots and I am slightly terrified of this. Tonight will be the first time I have to do it at home by myself. I’m waiting to see orthopaedics next week but my husband spoke to his physio this morning and it sounds like it will be a significant road to recovery. Our bathroom is downstairs and bedroom upstairs which is a real task, the only way I can get up and down is on my butt with significant use of my left leg, and my right thigh is killing me already from holding up the heavy boot. I sat at the bottom of the stairs this morning crying as I reality started sinking in. It hasn’t even been 48 hours, I can barely sleep and the task ahead is scary. It’s been really helpful to educate myself and read about all of your people’s experiences.
Hi Anna,
So sorry to hear about your Achilles injury. From the many people who have reached out to me, it is clear that we all benefit when we have a general idea of what the recovery period may look like. Everyone heals differently and have their own unique situations but in general, I think if you have an idea of what others have gone through, it may help you as well.
Here is my first 12 weeks of recovery. I hope it may help in some small way:
Yes, this is indeed a tough injury to mend. There is no sugar coating it. But with time, a good rehab routine and lots of support, I am back on the basketball court coaching the game I love.
You will reach the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s just a matter of time. Please take some comfort in this. Take good care and post back to let us know how things are going! I am sure your experience will help others out there.
Hi ya, I’m about 3 weeks into wearing my boot and not going to lie it’s pretty tough, sleeping I’ve been ok but it’s the reality of not being able to do normal things for yourself is the worst, no baths or shower is horrible and my leg has shrunk so much the boot liner is too baggy now! You have to just go day by day and tick it off as a step to recovery, emotions will go up and down like crazy but with support around you the days do move on
So it’s been about 4 days since I totally ruptured my right Achilles and I’ve been put in the same boot as you Ian, I’m waiting on appointment for next week to discuss my scans I believe. My advice I was given is to only take the boot off to wash the leg and of course check for DVT’s but I can’t shower or bath which is a knightmare! I’ve been written off work for 4-6 weeks and it’s already testing me mentally, sometimes small things like getting to the bathroom tire me out, having read your diary I’m hopeful I’ll start turning the corner soon but I know I won’t be able to do that until this appointment is over. I am finding a lot of pain alleviates when I elevate it while the boot is on but I’m hitting pain killers regularly and trying to stay present as at the moment it doesn’t feel like real life and just a bad dream
Hi Nathan,
Sorry to hear about you injury. And yes, the mental side of things is something to be mindful off. Normally, patients focus on the physical recovery but there is a phycological aspect to recovering from an Achilles rupture. As you are are already mindful of this, I think it’s the best start.
We are the lucky bunch who are in boots and not a cast; at least we can take the boot off to wash and alleviate stress points. As for your pain, are they coming from the torn tendon or from the ankle area. Many patients tell me they do not feel much pain at all but in my case, I am pretty sure I injured other ligaments around the ankle as well. That part was more painful than the rupture after the initial tear.
Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Do lots of research and listen to your body. Speak with your surgeon and physiotherapist and know when you should start the rehab process. With lots of hard work and support from my family, I am back on the court training with our basketball team. I hope you can take some comfort in knowing this.
Take care and update us as you progress through your recovery journey. I am sure it will help others.
Hi ya, tbh the pain I feel is around the actual Achilles, one good thing is that I can actually get a real good nights sleep with this boot on but the one thing I hate is not having a proper wash every night! I’ll upload comments on here as I go on
Thanks for the reply
Ok so I went to my follow up appointment on Monday and was told I don’t need surgery as the gap is small enough to not operate, I know now I have to have this boot on for another 7 weeks though! I asked about pain around heel and swelling on outside of foot and was told it’s all part of the Achilles damage, I have another appointment in 3 weeks when I believe they will take one block out of the boot
Nathan, wishing you quick healing! Good luck.
So thankful to find this. I wish that I could say I was doing something sporty when I tore my Achilles, but I was simply running up my front steps. I am on day 10 and until today have had a really positive attitude. Tonight I hit the wall mentally/emotionally. Reading about your journey (and others) helped me know that I will get through this. Someday…
Hi Caroline,
So sorry to hear about your injury! Take some comfort in knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am able to go full out again during my basketball coaching sessions. It takes time. And it takes emotional healing as well. This is the part that catches many people off-guard. Being aware that emotional healing is a part of the journey is a good start and I am glad a journal of my own recovery may have helped you a little bit. I encourage everyone to share their journey here as I know it will help others out there. There are many of us how have suffered an Achilles injury. Keep your eye on the prize and know that it’s a long road to recovery. Stay on top of your rehab exercises. Sending you healing thoughts and wishing you all the best. Take good care!
Hi Caroline – I’m from Australia , i ruptured my Achilles in Feb this year 9 months ago – i have done all the rehab as required by my physiotherapist & now walking as normal including going to work as a plumber – rest assured there is light at the end of the tunnel , being down is quite normal i was devastated an thought this would never end – but it does , i have only a very very slight limp and told this will be gone within the 12 months period – stay positive & look at the big picture – you will come out of this… take care & good luck..
So tomorrow will be 1 month since I did my Achilles, I am 2 days from having one wedge removed from my boot as long as everything is on track, it’s been a long 4 weeks and reading all these comments makes me realise I’m kinda only getting started! With Xmas coming up it will definitely be no fun in this state but it’s a one day at a time approach for me and see where that takes me
Hi Ian and all,
my injury accrued when I returned from a run, I sprinted across the road, leapt onto the pavement, but landed a bit short with my toes and the ball of my foot hitting the edge of the pavement, I heard a pop, felt a pain in my heel and calf and my foot was uncontrollable.
I went to the A&E at my local hospital, where they told me that I had ruptured my Achilles tendon and fitted me with the boot. They gave me no crouches, told me that I would have to wear the boot for 8 to 10 weeks and they would phone me in three or four days time for further instructions, this was 29-11-20, so far no communication 28-12-20.
From the first night I removed the boot when I went to bed and have done ever since, but wear it during the day.
There are 4 wedges in my boot, one wedge I removed last week, my fourth week, and I will remove another at the end of this week. I have not contacted the hospital as I know that they are very busy dealing with the large amount of Covid 19 patients.
Finally, I think that I am very fortunate as I have no pain, and starting to get the movement back to my foot.
Truly thankful for all that give so much information on the internet.
Best regards to all,
Ray [ England ] UK
Hi Ray,
Sorry to hear about your recent injury. And you are very welcome for your kind words. I am glad my journal of my own recovery may help others out there.
Thank you for sharing your recovery process. It shows how diverse the course of action may be from various physicians and I find it interesting that medical advice from different countries can also vary drastically for an Achilles rupture. All the best in your recovery!
Damn sorry to hear about the lack of follow up from the hospital, I had my final appointment with the hospital after 9 weeks and have managed to be out of my boot for about 4 days, unfortunately in that time my skin has cracked and split underneath my foot so if you can try to moisturise every day, I slept in the boot everyday which probably didn’t help but that was the advice I was given
Yikes, that sounds painful! I slept in my boot as well and only removed it briefly if there was too much pain. But I also removed it frequently to wash my foot and boot. I guess it just shows that are very different recommendations based on the physician / country / health care system. Hope everyone is recovering nicely during the holiday season!
Yes seems to be different ways to go about it, I had excruciating pain in my heel in the boot while sleeping so glad I’m past that stage! I’ve been out of my boot since 24th but had no physio contact yet so trying to walk on my own teaching, going ok but walk with a limp which is frustrating but hopefully that will go. No idea when i can drive yet but nearly 10 weeks on and only looking forward now
Hi Nathan,
glad to know that you are on the mend and out of the boot..
Yes I noticed that my foot was starting to get dry at an early stage and washed and rubbed Epaderm cream into foot every day, a good tip for all.
Now into my fifth week, and will remove another wedge from my boot, now down to two.
Maybe when I finally hear from the hospital, I will already be out of the boot.
I am in no pain and manage to go up and down 14 stairs, 10 times a day.
Kind regards,
Hi ya ray, hope that’s good to know you aren’t in pain, I’m about 7 months on now from when I first did it and while it’s great to be on my feet again walking and able to drive I still have days where the pain kicks my ass a bit! It’s a very sobering thought to think you might not walk your natural way again and from time to time you might still get dull pain in the Achilles, I heard people say a year on and they still aren’t right and now I can see that statement as a true one
Hi Nathan,
So sorry to hear that you are still in pain from time to time and truly hope that you will make a full recovery in the near future, as for myself, I never heard from the hospital until I contacted them to complain and they offered me an appointment to which l humbly decided, it had been seven weeks and l was out of the boot walking in my trainers with soft heel supports, it was like walking on air. I often think that l was fortunate not to have heard from the hospital or my recovery could have been much slower, l know by looking at the internet that l had broken so many rules, especially never sleeping with the boot on, but hey, it’s good to listen to your body. I done the exercises recommended on the internet and many more of my own.
It’s now six months on and l have no pain, can run, do toe rises and every thing seems normal, just a little stiffness in the tendon, but that seems to be disappearing day by day and sometimes I have to think, what heal did I damage, so it must be something like normal.
Finally on another subject, my girlfriend will be returning from Hong Kong soon, haven’t seen her for over a year and look forward to be able to party and dance again ?
Take care, Ray
Hi Ian,
so sorry to hear that you still having pain from time to time and I truly hope that all will return to normal for you in the near future.
As for myself, I had no communication from the hospital after my first visit until I wrote to them to complain, they offered me an appointment to which I humbly declined, I told them, when I really needed them in the beginning, they were not there for me, this was at the end of week seven, by which time I was fully out of the boot and walking in my trainers with a soft heel support, it was like walking on air. I often think to myself, how fortunate that I am, maybe if I had have the visits to the hospital for treatment, would I be where I am now, I know that I broke many of the rules, not once did I wear my boot to bed, probably helped that I sleep on my stomach with my foot pointing downwards, I would rest as much as I could with the boot off, follow the internet exercises with many more of my own.
After six months, I am in no pain, I can run again, do toe rises and am nearly back to normal, just a little stiffness in the tendon which seems to be getting better day by day.
Hey, apart from that, looking forward to my girlfriend returning form Hong Kong, haven’t seen her for over a year, need to be fit for the parties, dancing etc. 🙂
It has been 15 months since my injury. I progressed quickly for a 69 year old. Because I am retired I did everything by the book and exercised 3 times a day for the first couple of months. My injury was in late February 2020 just as the pandemic took hold here. My goal was to be playing hockey by the end of May 2020 so that I could compete in the Canada Senior Games in August 2020. As it turns out I was able to skate and play hockey late in May but the Games were cancelled. Nevertheless the Achilles kept getting better and by March of this year I had been on the ice at least 200 times (nice to be retired). I would say that I am 99% recovered but despite all the hockey, walking at least an hour every day and doing exercises for the Achilles, I can still feel a minor discomfort in the Achilles every once and a while. The other thing is that my calf is still not the size of the other one.
First up, thank you Ian for taking the time to write and post such a comprehensive blog. As I lay on a bed in A&E (Accident and Emergency, the UK’s version of ER), having ruptured my Achilles’ playing football/soccer, I read your blog and it gave me a lot of reassurance when I was feeling pretty low.
I didn’t have an operation because my tendon ruptured close to the calf muscle where there is more blood flow which helps the healing process.
The only thing I wanted to say to anyone who has just ruptured their Achilles’ is to try to get one of these boots:
This boot is specially designed for our kind of injury. It locks your foot at the correct angle to help the tendon heal and then, when the tendon has reattached, this angle can be adjusted to start stretching the tendon.
It’s three months since my injury and I’m now out of the boot, in physiotherapy and almost walking normally, though only over short distances.
As well as helping to speed up the healing process, the boot has a soft, breathable, cotton liner, and comes with a spare so you can have one on and one in the wash. It is much more comfortable than the standard orthopaedic boot which I was initially given.
I really hope people can get hold of one as it has made a big difference to my recovery.
Hi, my name is Kathleen. I am 50 years old and reside on the Gold Coast in Australia. I ruptured my Achilles 7 weeks ago and have opted for the non-surgical route. The mental anguish of this injury is why it has even taken me this long to be able to share my story. I was playing oz tag and was running and felt the all typical “kick” in the back of my ankle and heard a pop. For whatever reason, I instinctively knew what I had done and felt a sickening dread. I drove myself directly to ER (did my left ankle) where I waited 5 hours to see a doctor to clarify what I already knew. He did set my foot at 20 degrees in a cast. I got home at 2.30am and was back to see orthopedic surgeon at 7am the following morning which is when I decided on the conservative route of recovery.
As those of you know who have suffered the same injury the next couple of weeks were really tough emotionally whilst I sat on the lounge completely dependent on my husband and 3 teenage children to do everything for me (thank god they were not toddlers). My eldest son had just got his licence a few weeks before so already there was glimpses of silver linings in the air.
At the 2 week mark I was moved into a moon boot which was so terrifying to me when the took my cast off, as my foot felt like jelly. It really freaked me out. The physio was amazing and reassured me that my foot was safe and talked me through the process. This was really important to me as I have never had any major injury in my life so was feeling extremely vulnerable.
The physio gave me some small flex toe movements and side to side rotation exercises to do 3 times a day every day which I did, and have done. However, I would undo my boot and lift my leg slightly to do these exercises but could not remove the boot or put it to the side. My anxiety was crazy and I felt so vulnerable without my boot, it was like my foot was being taken off. For all of this time I was also sitting on the floor of my shower with a hand shower but not even taking my boot off. A couple of times a week I would sit on the lounge and wash my leg/foot with a washer.
Week 4 I went to my first follow up physio and she was quite firm, (thank god) in having me remove my boot and put it to the side whilst doing my exercises. She also removed 1 wedge (I had 3) at this visit, and can now 50% weight bear (with crutches) which took at least a week to get close to. Once again, I was re-assured it was safe and that I need to shower on a stool and take my boot off. I have to say, the bottom of my foot was beginning to peel quite badly so I knew I had to start washing daily, and thoroughly. And moisturizing. So I have, and as each day went by my peeling foot got better and my confidence grew.
Week 6 I went back to physio where another wedge was taken out so I am now left with 1 wedge until boot comes off, which I am told will start to happen from Week 8, slowly. Should have gone to 75% weight bearing on crutches Week 5 but was not told this at last visit. So was now told that I can now 100% weight bear, even without crutches when I feel ready. I was told to start with 1 crutch first. This seriously seemed like a very long shot for me, remember how anxious I have been. So I went home on 2 crutches and the next day tried one, did good, and the next day NONE. So that was 5 days ago now and I have gone between 1 crutch and this whole last day none at all.
I even went out to dinner with my friends 2 nights ago, which felt great. Took 1 crutch with me.
I am also adding some leg raises and heel to toe raises with foot on ground, as directed by physio. It feels so nice to have some movement in my foot and I am giving myself leg and foot massages regularly which feels amazing.
The last couple of days I have felt a little more pain and discomfort but nothing too unbearable and only take 2 panadol a day more at the end of the day.
Next week, Week 8, I go back to my surgeon for a follow up, then 2 days later to the physio where she wants me to take my other sports shoe to start to transition. This makes me extremely nervous but I will take every step forward cautiously but with confidence.
Psychologically, I have given myself a full 12 months to recover to a place where I feel back on my feet, although no more plans ever to play sport of that nature again. As it was this season was a one off for a few of us mum’s to play a sport with our kids. So no regrets, we did have a lot of fun! I just look forward to going back to work and walking my dogs daily. And most importantly, getting my independence back.
I am still getting up and down my stairs at home on my butt, not sure when I will be able to take one small step at a time. The exhaustion of getting around the house is getting a little easier each day. Especially without the crutches.
Thank you so much Ian for your detailed journey, it has helped me and inspired me immensely along the way. And to everyone else who has posted and shared their stories. I think it was a big savior for me in those early weeks.
I know I still have a road ahead but I feel like the absolute worst may just be over!!
To anyone else reading this and in the early stages of this injury, hang in there, the road can seem so bleak and any recovery so far out of reach but it does get better. Give yourself permission to feel sad and frustrated, then celebrate your achievements.
Take care,
Hi Kathleen,
I am sorry to hear about your injury. And you are welcome. I am very glad to hear that my journal entries helped you with your own recovery journey.
You actually touched on something that is ultra important that is not always talked about. There is definitely a mental recovery process that come along with a severe injury like this one. Having a great support system like you have goes a long way in healing the mind.
Know that I am now able to pretty much go full-out again during my basketball practices with our local high school team. Keep your eye on the light as there is a end to this mini-marathon of recovery.
Thank you for sharing as I know your comment will help others out there.
All the best Kathleen!
Hey there Ian. I just “popped” my achilles 2 weeks ago. I have been in a boot awaiting the ortho appointment in a few days. Were you able to put weight on your foot right away? I have been icing/heat and I’m able to walk without the boot and can actually rotate my foot in a full circle. Still trying to figure out the extent of the injury but trying to be positive that it is not a complete tear. I can’t flex my calf yet. I also only had little bruising and swollen for about 2 weeks. Definititley want to go the non surgercial route. Please let me know if you were able to walk without a boot 2 weeks in. Thank you and good luck
Hi Aaron,
Sorry to hear about your injury. From all of users who have shared and reached out to me, it’s clear that every country and physicians & surgeons deal with Achilles rupture rehab differently. Some recommend 100% weight bearing right away with crutches and a boot and some do not recommend this. Some recommend taking off the boot a few weeks into recovery to do physio exercises and some recommend to wait until the boot is completely off for risk of a re-rupture (which is high based on published studies) before week 10 or so.
It sounds like you may not have a full tear since you have movement. Most of us with a full tear has zero movement or at least not brave enough to try and fully move the foot knowing we had a bad tear.
I was advised not to walk without a boot until Week 14-16 or so did all of my coaching with the boot on.
I would make sure you find a health care professional that you feel comfortable with and follow their advice. If it’s already been 2 weeks since your rupture, your ortho surgeon may just ask you to go the non-surgical route as long as your boot is set in the proper position for the tendon to re-attach itself. Again, best to speak with your health care professional on this one.
Best of luck on your road to recovery! There is light at the end of the tunnel, it just takes time and a good rehab program to get there.
Ian, thank you so much for writing this up. I got injured four weeks ago and pretty much going through the same experience. It certainly makes me more grateful for the support of family and the ordinary conveniences we tend to overlook! I’ve tried to remove the smell with Lysol and Febreze, but it does result in a more peculiar sort of stank. I use it to tease my kids. Thanks again for sharing your experience.
Hi Jaycee,
Thank you. I hope my journal was helpful. Read lots, listen to your body and focus on your recovery journey. After my own recovery, I was able to go full out again on the basketball court. There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. All the best!
Not going to lie it’s been a very tough road for me, I’m nearly 2 years and I’m still unable to jog or run, the stumbling block for me has been trying to get strength in the leg and power, unfortunately NHS here in the uk let me down and I got behind in my recovery, I’m now doing private physio and hope to turn the corner soon
Hi Nathan,
I am very sorry to hear about that. An Achilles rupture is definitely one of the more devastating injuries. All the best with physio and wishing you the best on your road to recovery!
Thanks for that, yes been a very draining experience, walking fine for months now but just still can’t get that bit further to run which is so frustrating
Hi Nathan, I am so sorry to hear of your injury and that you are taking so long to recover, l too live in the UK and the only treatment that l received from the NHS was for them to put me in the boot and l never heard from them again.
I looked the treatment up on the Internet, plus a few exercises of my own and six months later, l was back to normal apart from a little stiffness in my heel.
All the best my friend.
Ray Yates.
Yes it was hard trying to get physio appointments and tbh it took me a while to get my head round the fact that I actually did it, also work hadn’t been the best and that creates pressure, really hoping to see some results soon
Hi Nathan,
I am 16 months post Achilles rupture. I was 50 at the time and the first major injury I had ever sustained. I was really devastated, it also took me quite some time to get my head around.
I am in Australia, and fortunately I had good advice and Physio from 6 weeks. I started my own private Physio around the 8 weeks.
Having said all that, because I was so scared of re-injury my journey has been slow and steady. My physio set up a program in the gym a few months ago for strength training and this has been a significant change. Steep hill walking is great for strength and building up the calf muscle if that is an option. She always reminds me of the significant injury an Achilles rupture is and the recovery is long. And for me, with all my anxiety about it, possibly longer. I had to trust that I was ok to push on.
I opted not to have surgery, not sure if this has played any part in the recovery, although I’m assured by the professionals that it isn’t.
I could run if I chose to, but those days are over for me.
Good luck Nathan, the results will come.
Take care,
Hi ya, I was 40 at the time and had played football for 30 plus years with no serious injuries, I was told I didn’t need surgery at the time but in hindsight I would’ve got a private physio right away but instead I got down and a bit depressed tbh, I agree mentally it’s tough to not think it will go again but I trust it more than ever and just want to be physically active again. I’ll be 2 years in oct and it should’ve been shorter with more help
Great journal with positive vibrations & messaging throughout (even in your dark times). Just came across this post whilst (unfortunately) researching Achilles tendon recouperatiion, products & therapies…
Regarding the injury or incident from ruptures, the scenarios & symptoms experienced seem remarkably uncanny or alike (something cold or cool hitting the back of your calf, looking up in my case for a non existent object that had fallen from the roof, followed by a very loud clack or snap… And inevitably the realization sets in in tangent with your non co-operative foot)!! The irony with my own injury is, that I was barely out of a walk when my tendon gave out. Non over exerting, the irony being it did not occur participating in other more extreme sport I do (much to my wife’s dismay).
Unfortunately, for myself I am on the extreme side of complete rupture, which has required an intense surgery. Healthcare in Ireland is different than Canada and I have been preaching the benefits of private healthcare post my accident.
I am now week 6 post injury & 4 post surgery. Had complications with DVT/ clotting post surgery. I like to think I have a pretty good threshold but being honest, at times, it has been excruciating. These issues, paired with being predominantly stationary throughout have been most challenging aspects of recouperation (I am not the kind of person that finds this easy).
Thankfully I have been fitted with a boot today to begin next phase of rehabilitation. My advice to anyone stay mentally active, read, research, keep mentally active whilst focus on rehabilitation as milestones or checkpoints in a race… I am advised 3mths before I can walk or function unaided again and a rather bleak 9-12mths for a return to any kind of serious physical activity. With my full cast off today I am at checkpoint 1/3. Quick refreshment and on towards the finish line.
Final mention and as you rightly point out, special mention or consideration should go to family or care givers.
Thanks Ian. Well wishes, speedy recoveries & good vibrations to everyone. Stay mentally active & strong.
Hi Barry,
Sorry to hear about your injury and your complications from surgery. Sounds like you are on the mend now, which is the most important part. And you are correct. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay focused on healing yourself. It will take time and lots of self care.
Thank you for sharing your story as I am sure it will help many others as well.
Wishing you smooth healing Barry!