Major Bugs Encountered in Facebook

Having moderately recovered from Web 2.0 Fatigue Syndrome (Web2FS) and after too many requests from friends and colleagues to connect in Facebook, I finally logged back in to update my account – an account that was created some time ago.

The first major issue I encountered was a privacy quirk. No matter how privacy settings are configured, anyone can view the full profile. Not being able to resolve this issue through the help files, I contacted tech support and have yet to hear back. The quickest resolution was to start a new account.

More Bugs with a New Facebook Account

In the new account, it took some time to configure settings and to re-enter all personal info. Most things worked as they should out-of-the-box but sure enough, I encountered more bugs. After uploading photos to an album, neither I nor anyone else can tag any of the people in the pictures. At this moment, only others can tag me, that’s it.

In addition, after creating a new group for the Affiliate Marketers Alliance, the system would not allow photos to be uploaded here. At the end of the upload process, I see conflicting messages.

– You have successfully uploaded three photos
– You have not added any photos

Facebook Photo Bugs

After trying multiple methods to get the above to work in IE and Firefox, I finally had to send another email to tech support asking for help. Let’s see if they can resolve my issues.

No friends or contacts I have spoken to have encountered these bugs. Anyone else experiencing similar photo bugs on Facebook?

Ian Lee
Work from home dad, marketer and photographer. Fallen in love with basketball all over again as I coach my daughter's team.

18 thoughts on “Major Bugs Encountered in Facebook”

  1. Hey Ian,

    Hope all is well with you, I thought maybe it was just me I just signed up for face book and am also noticing issues, especially with the photo upload. Thanks for putting this together for everyone.

    Heather Paulson

  2. Hey Ian

    I am struggling with photo upload too – but everyone else seems to find it easy. Am working on Vista. Didtheyever respond to your email>


  3. Good to see you decided to join back to facebook, I remember you said you thinking about joining back at SEM beers. Hope no regrets this time:). Bugs are never cool though! Hope they contact soon. Cheers

  4. Hey Dave, FB is indeed pretty cool. They have their act together (from a user and marketers perspective).

    By the way, FB did respond to me… twice. The first time, it was an apology for the outage and they are aware of the problem. Then, looks like another rep sent me an additional email letting me know their system was operating within normal parameters and it must be a user issue on my end. Oh well. 🙂

  5. I don’t know why but some of the links don’t work on my facebook like accepting something or adding an application. It just says error on the bottom of the page and when I click on the link nothing happens, it just stays the way it is… does anybody have the same problem or have any advice? I’m using Windwos 2000.

  6. I’m having the same problem as Fawn. It just freezes up when I try to create/add to an album. For some reason, adding new profile pictures seems to be ok.

  7. I am having the same problem as Kim. My screen freezes and won’t allow me to put in new pictures or create new albums, but i can’t upload a new profile picture no problem. I am using Windows xp…ugh, does anyone know anything about how to fix this?

  8. I am using Windows 2000 and am having the same problems as above when trying to click on links, add applications etc. Does anyone have a fix for this? I just keep getting an error message that says “object expected”

    Many thanks

  9. I am having the same problem with Facebook. Running Vista. Many links won’t work and at one time I could play Scrabulous, now the board won’t load. Any solutions?

  10. Members of my group (in fact other groups too) are suddenly not allowed to load up their photos even tho settings allow them to. The “ADD PHOTOS” tab has disappeared. I’ve sent 2 emails to tech support but they didn’t respond at all. >:

  11. well facebook is the best social network i have evr used before , but still they can make iut more better by adding some thing new .

  12. I have found that most of the problems with upload photos, is firewall. I had the problem and then disabled firewall and upload went well.
    My issue is with find a friend and then add..
    all the system does is say loading and then freezes. Anyone else have the same problem?


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