The Best Kept Secret in the Blogosphere Revealed

Best Kept Secret in the Blogosphere Having come across many great articles over the years discussing the next-big-thing on generating more readers for a blog, I have yet to see too many bloggers take advantage of one of the most powerful syndication service in the Blogosphere. For many bloggers, one main reason for writing and maintaining a blog is to be read. What if there was a way to syndicate your blog content on major media websites like Reuters and FOXNews? Look no further – you can do it at cost!

Want to be Featured on Reuters?

There is an untapped opportunity for bloggers & publishers to get your high quality content syndicated on many media website. All you need is a properly formatted XML feed. If you run a blog using Wordpress, you already have this feed in ready format. This is how articles have been syndicated on and

Eight months ago, I helped a client get setup with this free syndication service and now their articles are consistently being picked up and are reaching new users on major media websites. Here is a screen shot of total views by publisher from the past 7 days for my client who has been enjoying regular syndication. FOXNews alone has served almost 400,000 impressions of their latest article!

Blogburst Syndication - Reuters, FoxNews and USAToday

Publicity at No Cost – Get into BlogBurst

So how does one get content syndicated on top notch media websites? Simply apply to be accepted into a network called BlogBurst, a syndication service owned by Pluck that places blogs on top-tier online destinations.

BlogBurst mentions on their website that they have currently accepted 2,800 blogs into their syndication network. Once accepted, you will be able to see:

    • – which media website has syndicated your feed
    • – how many times your article’s headline was served
    • – how many pageviews your article received
    – how many clicks were directed to your website or blog

The Best Kept Secret in the Blogosphere Revealed

So there you have it. The best kept secret in the Blogosphere has been revealed! And for those of you who have already discovered BlogBurst and are regularly appearing on major media websites, welcome to the club. How satisfied are you with the syndication?

Ian Lee
Work from home dad, marketer and photographer. Fallen in love with basketball all over again as I coach my daughter's team.

14 thoughts on “The Best Kept Secret in the Blogosphere Revealed”

  1. Hey Ian, just stumbled across your blog. Interesting article there, something I’ll need to try out with my blog. Good site, keep up the great work!

  2. Wow, i’ve never heard of Blogburst but it sure does sound worthwhile. I know of another method which invovles getting to pick up your blog burst. Once it does, you can get traffic from the bigger news sites such as CNN.

  3. I found you through BumpZee…thanx for the tip…I’ve been looking for something a bit better than BlogRush and a few others I’ve tried.

  4. Interesting tip, blogosphere keeps great amount of knowledge and it is very reasonable for media websites utilizing it.

  5. Hi Ian,
    Thanks a lot for sharing this. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see a someone actually sharing quality information like this without first making you opt in to their list and over hyping it all.
    This looks great, I’m excited to get started, thanks again.

  6. Wow, i’ve never heard of Blogburst but it sure does sound worthwhile. I know of another method which invovles getting to pick up your blog burst. Once it does, you can get traffic from the bigger news sites such as CNN.



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