A virtual game of tag has been happening in my industry and I have just been tagged by Jamie Birch. Game rules are simple. Once you are tagged, you have to blog about 5 things that few people know about you.
So here are 5 things that most people may not know about me.
1. During my early university days, I had to skip a week of classes (legitimately) so I could compete in a talent contest in Memphis, Tennessee. Our 4-boy acapella group won the British Columbia Provincial talent search and was advanced to compete in the US portion of the contest. We never received a contract from NBC but we did place 6th in the finals against competitors from all over the United States AND we won a free trip to visit Memphis. Few people know that I was the lead singer of our boy band.
2. Throughout high school, most people knew that I was involved in music, sports and various extracurricular activities. But did you know I was the school’s first student body president? Before my final year, there was no formal student council at my high school. It was during my senior year that a voting system was implemented to elect student council members. So I hold the official title of being the first student body president of my high school.
3. I am a scientific artist. I try to control light and compose the scene so I can ultimately capture the moment in its most glorious form. I am hobbyist photographer. Here is one of my favourites, a cotton candy waterfall:

4. I am also a food scientist. My graduate work was in the food science realm with my thesis research studying the relationship between dietary magnesium and coronary heart disease. Want to know the answer? Chat me up.
5. When I was 16, I got my first job as a server at the local sports winter club buffet hall. Being the new kid, I was of course assigned the shift that ended at 2am every weekend. Quite a memorable experience.
There you go, done. Hope it was a worthwhile read. I am supposed to tag someone now. James Martell and Sherman Hu, you are both it!
You got my attention on magnesium and heart disease. Do you have any papers on what you found?
Johan, there are many pulished studies out there discussing magnesium & heart disease. You can use PubMed to search scientific journals. Here are 2 to start you off:
– Magnesium Intake and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease among Men
– Role of Trace Elements in Primary Arterial Hypertension